what’s happening at jd this month?

Hey JD family,

We love the holidays, but when the new year hits... it's just time. Time to get back to the grind, form good habits and hit the refresh button. We've got lots in store for you this month (and this year!) so be sure to actually read some of this newsletter. 😉

You won't want to miss a thing. 

-Audrey + Jacob


🚨 Starting Wednesday, January 3rd 🚨

We are excited to announce that we are adding a lifting class on Wednesday's at 12:00pm w/ Coach Ashley.

--What to expect:

  • Slower paced, weight lifting specific class.

  • Longer warm-ups to reinforce form and allow athletes to build to heavier weight.

  • Increased confidence during key movements and lifts that are incorporated into all of our HIIT workouts.


We are starting off 2024 with a FREE week for new members! Unlimited classes, no strings attached. Invite your friends to come workout and take advantage of our New member January promotion: 45% off your first month! 🎉

Working out is just better with friends. Spread the word and let's have some fun!

To sign up:

  1. Select the "Free week pass" under memberships on the JD Elite website.

  2. Create a Zen Planner account and add the app.

  3. Reserve as many classes as you'd like from January 1st - 6th!

Sign up here!


Goal setting.
As we start a new year, its only natural to do some reflection on your life and what challenged you, what brought you joy, and what you want to do next. 

Make your mark. ✍️
Write your goals on the chalk wall! Remember, this can be anything big or small and doesn’t have to be fitness related. Then you'll have a little reminder every time you come in to crush a workout of what you're working towards! 


Upcoming 2024 Races: 🏁

We want to get a headstart on putting together teams and start training! We will have an "interest" sign-up sheet on the cork board in the gym lobby. For our spring races, we will be reaching out next month to get a solid answer.😊

Have another race or event you want to attend? Let us know!


It's backkkkk. 

Starting Monday, January 22nd we are kicking off the Forward 45 Challenge! (with a few twists) 👏🏼

45 days to a stronger, healthier + happier self. 
Stay tuned for details. 



Forward 45 Challenge!